Maximizing Pipeline Compensation
Compensation: Getting the Most “Money”
Price Per Linear Foot or Disturbed Acre Compensation Payments
Maximizing “Compensation” AND “Damages” Payments
All Landowners must negotiate to obtain the most money possible when entering into any Pipeline Agreement.
Pipeline Easement Agreements provide financial compensation to landowners based on the length of the pipeline easement or the total area of surface disturbance on the property. Financial compensation for Pipeline Right-of-Way Agreements is broken down into “compensation” and “damages” payments.
“Compensation” is the price paid by the pipeline company to “purchase” the easement area to install and maintain one or more pipelines. In other words, the pipeline company pays the landowner money to “purchase” the permanent easement area to install and maintain its pipeline(s).
“Damages” is the price paid by the pipeline company for anticipated or real damages to the surface of the property, including but not limited to timber and crop damages. In other words, the pipeline company pays the landowner money for surface damages to the property as a result of clearing, constructing and maintaining the pipeline(s) on the property.
Pipeline companies seeking lengthy and large easement areas may offer a landowner hundreds of thousands of dollars in combined “compensation” and “damages” payments as consideration for entering into the requested Pipeline Agreement. However, with an accurate assessment of landowner leverage a skilled attorney can often negotiate significantly higher compensation than originally offered to the landowner.
Attorney Doug Clark has negotiated MANY Pipeline Agreement offers to obtain tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars above the initial offer provided to the landowner. Doug has also negotiated many Pipeline Agreements where the landowner ultimately receives well in excess of $100 per linear foot for the right-of-way and easement.
Unfortunately, too many landowners and inexperienced lawyers are leaving substantial consideration on the negotiation table because they lack the experience to properly assess landowner leverage and use this leverage to negotiate maximum compensation.
Assessing and evaluating landowner negotiation leverage is key and is a skill that only comes from extensive experience through negotiating hundreds of Pipeline Agreements with many different companies in different regions across Pennsylvania. Do not leave tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on the negotiation table because you or your lawyer did not properly evaluate your negotiation leverage.
In fact, a proper assessment of landowner leverage and effective negotiations can even result in relatively small pipeline easement requests yielding hundreds of thousands of dollars in compensation for the landowner. Remember, every Pipeline Agreement negotiation is unique and properly evaluating a landowner’s negotiation leverage is a critical first step in the negotiation process.
The Clark Law Firm, PC is at the forefront of Pipeline Agreement negotiations for Pennsylvania landowners. When presented with a Pipeline Agreement let Doug’s experience work for you to maximize your financial compensation. Doug understands negotiation leverage and uses his extensive experience to maximize compensation while simultaneously protecting and preserving your property. Contact us today!